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Synchrotron radiation is a powerful tool to investigate quantum objects like atoms, molecules and clusters. Recent synchrotron facilities provide a monochromatic photon beam in an energy range up to several keV. Due to the high intensity of the light, even processes with low cross sections can be observed.
In our COLTRIMS experiments we obtain the complete 3D momentum vector of all charged fragments in each reaction. This enables a close view on the inner dynamics of various quantum systems.
We need time-resolved information about the incoming light to reconstruct all particle momenta. This information is only available, if the synchrotron is operated in "single-bunch" or "few-bunch"-mode (only one or few bunch(es) of electrons stored in the ring). This operation mode is usually offered some weeks per year at BESSY II (Berlin), Petra III (DESY, Hamburg), Soleil (France) and at the ALS (Berkeley, USA), where our group performs experiments.
To get further information about our measurements at synchrotron light sources please choose one of the following sub-topics: